
Moving our town forward - together

Chairman’s report for AGM on 14 March 2003

It is now just over 12 months ago that a group of like-minded, non political residents met together to discuss the latest Surrey County and Mole Valley District Council proposals for investment in Leatherhead, collectively called the Phase 2 works. All were concerned that this proposed investment by the Councils of some £600,000 (later to rise to £750,000) failed completely to address the fundamental reasons for the Town of Leatherhead’s decline – namely restricted access and parking. Both these deficiencies had been highlighted in previously commissioned studies, the recommendations of which had for the most part been completely ignored by the authorities concerned.

It was therefore decided to form an action group to fight against the implementation of the Phase 2 proposals, and Leatherhead AHEAD was born.

Specifically, we have asked for the Phase 2 proposals to be amended as follows:

As we had heard that ‘certain’ councillors were dismissing us as ‘a small group of people making a loud noise’, we took immediate action to show that there was public support for our proposals, and the response throughout our campaign has been quite magnificient.

Much of the specific action we have under-taken will be well known to most of you here this evening, and therefore rather than detailing a blow by blow account, I will merely highlight a few key areas of activity:

So what have been the key achievements of Leatherhead AHEAD over the last 12 months? I would summarise them as follows:-

What for the future? As well as continuing to sit on the various consultative groups already mentioned, we intend to:

Finally I would just like to pay a tribute to the very hard, completely voluntary work of my Committee, and to all our supporters, particularly our families, without whose continued active backing nothing would have been, or will be achieved, in our efforts to rejuvenate this lovely old Town at the Crossroads.