Please have your say by completing this survey received from MVDC and sending it back to the Leatherhead Help Shop, 25-27 High Street, Leatherhead marked for the attention of Heather Ward, or send by post to Rod Shaw, Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1SJ. The deadline is 19 July (2004).

Leatherhead Town Centre Forum
Environmental Audit Questionnaire

The Leatherhead Town Centre Forum is interested in the views of organisations and individuals on the town centre environment. The questions contained in this questionnaire are designed to encourage you to tell us what you think are the best features of the area as well as those things that could be made better.

Your answers to the questions below will help the Forum to identify possible improvement projects and to seek the help of others in order to achieve positive results.

When providing answers, it is helpful if you can give examples to support your comments.

Please take a few minutes to consider your response to the questions below. We would ask organisations to copy the questionnaire and circulate it to as many of their members as possible. Additional copies of the questionnaire can be obtained from the Heather Ward via the Help Shop in Leatherhead High Street (01372 363385). Questionnaires should be returned to the Leatherhead Help Shop, 25-27 High Street, Leatherhead and marked for the attention of Heather Ward.

Please return questionnaires by the deadline of 19th July. If this date presents problems please ring Heather Ward on 01372 374901 to arrange an extension.

Thank you for your help.

The first set of questions asks you to consider what you like about Leatherhead.

A. What are the landmarks and distinctive buildings that help to make the town special?

B. What are the key focal points in the town and why are they important?

C. Are there individual and/or groups of buildings which display design, detailing or materials which give the town a distinctive character?

D. Are there activities that take place within the town which add to its character and appearance?

E. Are there important trees, open spaces or natural areas that help to raise the quality of life of the town

The second set of questions asks you what you dislike about the town.

F. What spaces, buildings or places detract from the character of the town?

G. Are there buildings, streets and furniture that are ugly or poorly maintained?

H. Are there routes into the town that create a poor impression, especially for visitors?

I. Are there open spaces that could be better maintained or managed to benefit the town and its people?

J. Are there activities that take place within the town which detract from its character and appearance?

K. Are there places where people feel unsafe during the day or at night?

The third set of questions asks you to consider what needs to be improved.

L. What key improvements would make Leatherhead a more special place?

M. How can the streets and other public spaces be made safer and more pleasant for people on foot?

N. Do you think Leatherhead should be made a greener place?

O. How can the town be made more welcoming and easier for people to find their way around?

P. How could places or buildings be enhanced through additional planting, or improved cleaning or other maintenance?

Q. What other ideas do you have to enhance the town centre environment?

Thank you for your help.